Sunday, February 22, 2009

7 months!

Garrett is 7 months! He got his 8th tooth and has been doing GREAT at sleeping through the night. (Yay!) Here's his 7 month photos, plus a couple extras.

And a video, if it works...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Wow, we haven't posted since Christmas? Well, we've been doing great. Garrett will be 7 months on Friday and currently is up to 7 teeth (ouch!). He has been experimenting with eating different foods like pieces of cracker and soft veggies. He likes everything but barley cereal. :-) He is working on crawling/scooting with little succuss so far. He mostly rolls around, which gets the job done. He's just over 17 lbs.

Kevin, Kerry, Emily, Noah, Luke, and Lydia came for a working visit in the middle of January. It was so great to see them! They are all getting so big and mature. We love you all!

DCC is going well. We've been planning several things for 2009. We have a guest speaker coming this Friday, and a 2-day conference with some Deaf evangelists at the end of March. We also have a School of Leaders class moving right along and a Monday night Bible study!

Here's some of the latest pictures...

Valentine's day card full of dimes from Great Grandma Stensby

6 months old (Jan. 20)

Look out, Sebastian! This kid is comin' for ya!

I love carrots!

Emily & Lydia- what beautiful ladies!

The rest of the gang, including Hershey...

Our main peeps at DCC: Connie, Bev, Bill, & Martha