Tuesday, April 28, 2009

9 months old

Garrett had a rough start to being 9 months old. Last Sunday night (the 19th) we went to the E.R. as Garrett had a 103.7 temp. The hospital reading was 105! Poor baby had all kinds of tests and it was decided he probably had an ear infection. I think we left a little after 2 AM. *yawn* Thank the Lord, he is doing so much better now!! He is also standing better and better, can push a walker across the room, and is taking 1 step on his own. He also is signing "more" and clapping. Acutally, they are the same thing- you need context to know the difference, ha ha. As always, here's some pics...

Showing off his Bears outfit from Uncle Shawn & Aunt Lisa

Standing and taking 1 step!
(and yes we put an Illini jersey under the Bears outfit, ha ha)

"First Kiss" - Julie's girl Willow gets a kiss.
(Garrett loves to give kisses!)

9 months old!

and here's a video of Garrett laughing his head off. sorry the lighting is terrible!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

More diapers

For those interested, I finished a bunch more diapers yesterday. I think he's up to 10 or 11, so we are saving money right and left now. :-) (Except that I've spent about $50, but that's one month's supply of disposables!) Here's a few pics.

I tried using home printed iron on transfers in 3 of these- chili peppers, "G" and "B", and "I love you" hands that say "I love Mommy" and "I love Daddy" below. :-)

These are called pockets- you stuff them and take it out before washing so they dry MUCH faster. The stack of inserts is made of microfiber towels folded in thirds, with a layer of terry cloth (dish towel) in between and fleece on top.