Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Saturday after Blake got off work we drove up to Minneapolis. In one night, we went from 30 degrees to negative 13! Talk about a cold snap. We visited Blake's grandparents there and also my friend Jenn and her family. We also went to dinner at a Japanese steak house- yum!

Great Grandma Healy
Then, we went to Frederic, WI for the rest of the week. We had a nice time visiting with family, some of whom had not yet seen Garrett. He was of course spoiled with love and gifts. We all went to a movie on Christmas day- Benjamin Button. Garrett slept for almost the whole thing, then ate for the last 20 minutes. It could not have gone better! We had a very nice week up north and now are back in our routine- also nice! :-)

Sabastian had a great week up there, too! Here he is on his favorite rug.

Open the present, Garrett!

Somebody loves Aunt Casey

Great Grandma Stensby

Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 6, 2008


We had a great Thanksgiving! It was my first time hosting, and we had 13 including Garrett. Boni and Casey came down from Wisconsin/Minnesota, Shawn, Lisa, Kelly and Katey came down from Winthrop Harbor, Mom and Dad came from Quincy, and Sam and Rachel came from State Street. :-) I greatly apreciate all of the help; I couldn't have made it otherwise. Thanksgiving dinner was quite delicious and I think we all ate too much! As always, here's some pictures. Sorry I don't have pictures of actual Thanksgiving dinner!

Aunt Casey

Grandma Boni

Grandma and cousins

Hi Kelly!

Look out Katey, he'll get you!

camo smiles

Thursday, November 20, 2008

4 months old

Garrett is 4 months old today! His new skills include grabbing his feet & blowing raspberries. We let him try some baby cereal and home made food this past week or so. I have begun to make & freeze baby food while I look for a full time job. It's great to be home with him for now. Other news is that we got a "new" car- 4 doors!

Notice his "t" fingers like Mom, Grandma, & Great Grandpa Reed

Go Packers!

Baby's first food- rice cereal

4 months old!

Look at my 2 teeth!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Garrett's Latest Moments

Garrett's latest milestone- he cut a tooth last night! Hard to believe it at just 3 1/2 months. He is pulling everything into his mouth and drooling plenty these days. I think baby cereal is not too far away- Perhaps that'll be his Thanksgiving dinner. ;-) His diet of Mama's milk is going to be expanding. He has also rolled over a couple times from his belly to back, and seems very close to rolling the other way.
Holding his own bottle

Garrett loves playing in his walker!

a "kiss" for Dad

3 months old

sitting in Mom's old toddler rocker

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Hannibal & home photo shoot

This past Sunday, we went to see Grandma Reed preach in Hannibal. Next Sunday will be her last. She did a wonderful job, and it's very apparent that she is well-loved there. Blake and I signed Amazing Grace for the congregation, and we also had Grandma pray for Garrett.

Here's a home photo shoot...

Saturday, September 13, 2008

1 more ...

Garrett's Dedication

Garrett was dedicated on September 7. To share in the celebration, there was Grandma & Grandpa Herrin, Aunt Rachel & Uncle Sam, and of course Mom & Dad. I am told that he was quite smiley up on the platform!

Friday, September 12, 2008

The many faces of Garrett

Smiley Garrett

Silly Garrett

Surprised Garrett

Sleepy Garrett

Tuesday, August 26, 2008