Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Saturday after Blake got off work we drove up to Minneapolis. In one night, we went from 30 degrees to negative 13! Talk about a cold snap. We visited Blake's grandparents there and also my friend Jenn and her family. We also went to dinner at a Japanese steak house- yum!

Great Grandma Healy
Then, we went to Frederic, WI for the rest of the week. We had a nice time visiting with family, some of whom had not yet seen Garrett. He was of course spoiled with love and gifts. We all went to a movie on Christmas day- Benjamin Button. Garrett slept for almost the whole thing, then ate for the last 20 minutes. It could not have gone better! We had a very nice week up north and now are back in our routine- also nice! :-)

Sabastian had a great week up there, too! Here he is on his favorite rug.

Open the present, Garrett!

Somebody loves Aunt Casey

Great Grandma Stensby

Merry Christmas!

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